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Professional Dental Services in Chattanooga, TN

Frank Trundle DDS is a leading provider of dental services in Chattanooga, TN for children and adults. We offer a full array of preventative, restorative, and cosmetic solutions to ensure you have the healthiest teeth and gums possible and a smile you can flash confidently. Our teeth are essential parts of our bodies that contribute to our health and assist with eating, drinking, and speaking. We must care for them daily to ensure they remain healthy for as long as possible. While you brush and floss at home, we offer additional services to keep your teeth in excellent condition. You can count on us for all your dentistry needs.

person smiling at mirror in dentist chair

A Dedicated Team for Every Service

From basic examinations and x-rays to complete smile makeovers or emergency services, our practice has a team of dedicated dental professionals ready to provide personalized attention for your unique situation. Our main goal is to deliver the best services in your time of need. We are attentive and responsive to customer requests, whether providing help for tooth discomfort, removing stains, or offering straightening solutions. Need an honest and friendly dentist to provide general care for your family? You can count on us for that too. Our services include:

How Can We Serve Your Dental Needs?

We consider your teeth a priority and believe everyone should receive high-quality dental care at every phase of their life. Starting with regular trips to the dentist at a young age helps plant the seed for good habits as children grow up. Maintaining these habits as adults ensures our teeth can sustain the natural aging process as best as possible. We’re here to provide the additional assistance and trained experience everyone needs to keep their mouth, teeth, and gums healthy and protected over the years. Contact us to schedule an appointment for dental services.

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