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Dental Services for New Patients in Chattanooga, TN

Are you looking for a new dentist in the Chattanooga, TN area? Frank Trundle DDS is currently accepting new patients for our family dentistry practice. We serve patients of all ages with top-quality care in a safe and comfortable environment. Our locally operated practice offers everything from preventative care and smile makeovers to emergency and urgent care requests. Developing an open and trusting relationship with a dentist is the secret to a healthy mouth. Our team is excited to welcome you to our practice, and we look forward to providing all your dental needs.

happy family

Excellent Dental Services for Patients of All Ages

Our practice believes in delivering a complete dental experience to ensure you get the most qualified services for the best results. We offer routine care, such as bi-annual cleanings and X-rays, and more advanced cosmetic solutions, including Invisalign and teeth whitening. As our patient, you’ll have access to an array of dental services to address any concern or issue you might be facing. Our offerings include:

Contact Us to Schedule a Dental Cleaning

If you’re new to Frank Trundle DDS, we invite you to schedule an appointment for a cleaning and oral exam. This launching point will allow us to discuss any dental concerns or past issues you’ve dealt with and help us understand how we can serve you best. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, contact us for our next available appointment, and we’ll get you on the road to recovery while developing a plan to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Want to speak with a professional about a smile makeover or cosmetic services? We’ll happily schedule a consultation to review your situation and discuss the best options for you. We have a solution for every patient, wherever they are on the journey to improved oral health.

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